Monday, January 9, 2012

Cotton Castle, Pamukkale

Cotton Castle,  PamukkaleCotton Castle,  PamukkaleCotton Castle,  PamukkaleCotton Castle,  PamukkaleCotton Castle,  PamukkaleCotton Castle,  PamukkaleCotton Castle,  Pamukkale
Located in the Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey is this amazing snow mountain-like natural site. It looks like snow but it's actually not! Read more about it here. It was really really cold. I think about 1 or 2 degrees. But my dad, sister and myself decided to be adventurous and heck it with the cold. We bared our shivering feet and walked down these slopes. I was stupid enough to get my feet wet by stepping into one of the pools. I totally underestimated the depth of it and ended up soaking my jeans. Freezing temperatures + cold soggy jeans. How nice! Haha.

All in all, it was a nice place to be in. Because of all the whiteness, ( The further you walk down the slope, the whiter it gets ) and the fact I was wearing heavy layers, I felt like a polar bear. A cold and wet polar bear!

Funny fact about Denizli: Whenever a family has a daughter of marriageable age, they'll place an empty glass bottle on their chimney. This means that if a family with a boy of marriageable age is interested, he can come and ask for her hand in marriage. How cute! Imagine if we have it in Singapore or Australia. It's like saying " Hello! I'm single! Come get me! " Ah! How embarrassing! I would definitely not agree to it!


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