Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Out and about in Istanbul

Throughout our entire Turkey holiday, I found Istanbul to be the most exciting place of all. Perhaps cause it's the city and I'm quite a city-girl. I found the colours, smells, crowds and signboards to be pretty fascinating. I totally hated the traffic though! Oh... We were stuck in jams and there were just cars and buses and motorcyclists all around! Everywhere! Super polluted as well. But I tell you, the colours and patterns I found in the city totally made up for it! I took so many photos while at the Grand Bazaar! I wanted to share it all here in one big post, but nope, they won't fit! So next post it shall be! If you think these pictures are colourful, wait till you see those I took at the Grand Bazaar. Just re-looking at them makes me want to go straight back to Turkey!


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