Finally finished, been tricky fitting any sewing in around, one minute happily playing, the next squabbling, children. We've spent a fair bit of time all huddled around the kitchen table, me sewing, and them either drawing or squishing playdoh!.
This is for the 'pink' catagory of the Softie Awards. I was already contemplating pink as a theme for the next range destined for my Etsy shop, and this has cemented the idea in my head, so 'PINK' it will be!
I was also a very lucky girl this week, as I won this lovely tea cosy in a giveaway by Janet Clare, fantastic isn't it?. I just need a tea pot!
It's also about time I responded to being tagged by Jill (who also used to be a cross stitch designer, is new to blogging and has taken to it like a duck to water) for this meme, so...
4 jobs
as a student I spent a summer doing a night shift in an embroidery factory
PA to an interior designer
Needlecraft Designer for Coats Crafts UK
am currently a stay at home mum attempting to freelance!
4 films
Star Wars (the original one)
There's something about Mary
I also love all the old Cliff Richard films, Summer Holiday in particular, I remember watching them as a child
Elizabeth (I am fascinated by all things Tudor)
4 places I've been
I'm not very well traveled, I'm more of a home bird, but have made it to Paris, Portugal (on honeymoon, it rained!), and in the UK, we visit Cornwall and the Lake District often
4 places I've lived
I was born in Lincoln
grew up in a place called Formby, Merseyside
my first house was in Bolton
then we lived in a small village in west Lancashire before moving to the east Midlands
4 tv programmes
Have to admit, we don't watch much television these days, the one programme that I do sit down to see is Lost. Also love The Office (UK version), and The IT Crowd
I think my favorite programme of all time has to be The Good Life
4 radio programmes
I don't listen to the radio much either, I do however, listen to a lot of craft podcasts, love to have them on in the background when sewing
4 favorite foods
now, this is tricky as I love my food, I love all food, it's probably easier to tell you what I don't like, rice pudding, beetroot, oranges and anything with aniseed in it!
4 places I'd rather be
There isn't really anywhere I'd rather be than where I am now, although, Mr LK is off to New York on monday, I would love to be going with him. Maybe one day...?!
Rather than tag anyone else as I'm pretty sure this meme has pretty much done the rounds, perhaps you can give me some ideas for a New York shopping list, what should I get him to bring back for me?!
Thank you for all your well wishes, am feeling much better. Next project is to finish off a very special 'wip' for a 'vip' (my mother-in-law!)
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