Friday, June 8, 2012

Fabric and Felt elephant

I still haven't finished the owls, the excuse being that I'm waiting for some more fabric to arrive and will then do the pocket on the front. There was nothing in my stash that was quite right so I have chosen something else. In the meantime, the elephant has had some attention. Again, it has a pocket, one on each side, and a little finger puppet to go with it.

This is the other side, I'm not sure which fabric combination is my favourite, but this way, there is the best of both worlds!.

Addition to post, the elephant has been featured on the Cuteable web site here!

Also, my first order of fabric from Kitty Craft arrived. So, I quickly put together this pin cushion. It's not the nicest pin cushion in the world but it does they job, and I'm always loosing my pins and needles!.


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