Sunday, June 3, 2012

I wish I was...

better at keeping a sketchbook!

Sketchbooks were never my strong point while I was studying for my degree, and since then, although I aspire to be a sketchbook keeper, I am naturally drawn to designing new patterns three dimensionally.

This is a bird idea I have been working on, and is actually version number three, the first resembling a slug rather than a bird, and the second was more dolphin like.  Whilst, the bird is still not quite right, I am at least, for now anyway, on the right track with it.

Apologies for the bad photography today, it's raining and the light is pretty grim, even Photoshop was unable to compensate enough!.  I have a few things that will be going into the Etsy shop later this week once I get images I am happier with.

And finally... check out the toadstool swap Flickr group photo pool, some lovely work going on in there, well done everyone!

(which reminds me... I must make my toadstool soon, quick, where's that 'to do' list!)


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