Saturday, June 16, 2012

On my desk today,

Hello, long time no post..., it's been a mixture of a missing camera (now found, don't tell the husband I mislaid it!), being a bit on the poorly side (on antibiotics) and a flood in the kitchen resulting in the book giveaway being left open for a bit longer than originally planned (leaking washing machine hose, fixed now but damage has been done).

Have all you Blogger bloggers noticed the new template designer feature?, it's fab, been a long time coming, but very welcome now it's here.  Also, static pages, look, see the tabs up at the top ⇡⇡⇡.  The pages are still blank, and I'm not done fiddling around with the layout yet, too much to play with!

Like this, which is in progress on my desk.  It's my new pattern for a Mole.  This is the second body as the first was not quite right (too big, although they could end up as Mr & Mrs Mole) and now I'm having trouble deciding on how to create the claws so in the meantime am tackling an easier part and adding the tummy.

Right, book giveaway winner.  After weeding out all the spam comments (is anyone else getting loads or is it just me?!), the winner is...,

number 53, which is Alibobbles.

Now, back to sewing Mole claws!


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