Wednesday, December 8, 2010

At my desk

At my desk this morningmade
I was originally planning to take a big holiday and not make any art at all. But guess what, art making was all I could think about! The more I told myself to take a break, the more I found myself wanting to make art. So here's what's been going on at my desk this morning. That's until I got a bit carried away and spilled paint water all over my desk and lap top! Oops!

I've been job hunting as well, but no jobs on the market for an artist. Sigh. I hope maybe by some luck or something, illustration jobs open up for me next year and that I can afford to pay my rent and buy groceries through freelance work. We'll see how it goes. Till then, I'm in the midst of a new little project, which was meant to only begin next year but I'm too excited about it, I'm already starting to plan and make tiny sketches. It's going to be a little recipe book, filled with different yummy recipes by 25 super creative people! And of course, lots of nice drawings and cute things to read about each artist, designer, shop owner, crafter, and so on! It's going to be fun and really delicious I think!

More on that in the coming year!


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