Tuesday, April 6, 2010

More pictures from the forest

I would love to live here
Scones with jam and creamHeading towards MarysvilleJust outside the lovely cottageStayed on a farm estateFluffy chickensFresh yoghurtParrot just outside our windowWeighing my fudge slicesFoam
As mentioned before in my previous post, I spent my Easter weekend in the country. It was so much fun. The air was somehow fresher, sun shone brighter and I loved every bit of it. Coming back to the city, I felt a little sad. It always happens whenever I head to the country for a few days. I just love being close to nature so much. Anyway, our car broke down on our way home. We were so worried we'd have to scrap it but thank goodness it's fine now. We love our car so much, we call it Snoppy cause it looks like one. Haha. Weird, but oh well. That's us for you : )

Lots of work to do today and lots and lots of drawing. I didnt draw my meals while on my trip. Just took notes, pictures and weighed everything. ( Yes! I carried my weighing scale everywhere I went! Even when hiking up to see some falls! ) Darren and I ate so much. Berry ice cream, fish and chips, pizzas, scones, fudge slices... ...I'm not sure how am I going to fit everything on to my paper. So yes, wish me luck! I will let you know how everything goes tomorrow! Haha

PS: There's some more photos from my trip here. Too much to upload to a single post!


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