Monday, April 25, 2011

Kids home art classes

Giselle's Milk bar sandcastleXavie's chocolate factory sandcastle
To all Melbourne parents with young kids who are ages 3 and up, I am now offering home art classes for kids! Yes, you don't need to travel, I'll come straight to you and have 2 hours of fun with your kids, making art while you sit back and relax. Your kids will feel safe knowing you're around too! No crying or anxiety issues. No waking early and driving your child halfway across the city for classes. All's good! It's such a good thing I reckon, especially for busy parents who work in offices or even at home.

My classes are specially catered for kids who are interested in fun crafty hands-on type projects. Perfect for pre or prep schoolers. Depending on what your child likes, I will come up with a extra special lesson for your child. For example, if your child is into fishes, we could do a mini little crafty aquarium. Or if he's into spaceships, we could do our own super rocket and he or she can pretend to be an astronaut. Wooohoo! There's really so many fun things out there that can be done. So it's really up to what your child likes! Oh and did I already mention, all art materials will be provided too.

Classes are offered as mostly one-off classes, but you can also sign up for a month-long 4-week block. Group bookings are available for siblings, best friends, cousins, neighbours, etc. Art making's always a little more fun with little friends around! At the end of each session, you'll be surprised with a beautiful spiffy new artwork from your kid! Now doesn't that sounds wonderful? Do hop over here or email me at for more info! Thank you : )

* Do take note, I am still teaching at both Harvest and Art encounters. I started home art classes because parents who read my blog ( hi there! ) have been emailing to ask if I could go to their homes to teach, due to conflicting work schedules, location, etc. So I thought why not! Thanks mummies and daddies for the suggestion! It's such a great idea and well, thanks to all your encouragement, I've started it!


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