Friday, September 30, 2011

Ski Trip Part 2 : Falls Creek!

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Skip Trip holiday
Skip Trip holiday

Somehow I got busy and ended up in a flurry of activity and totally forgot to upload the next bunch of pictures from our ski trip holiday. It was only about a week and a half ago when we returned, but already it seems like weeks! Ah. Time does fly when you're busy. So here they are. My cheesy holiday snaps, all posted up here for your amusement! Hah!

That's Darren, busy building his igloo. And that's me, all engrossed and totally into observing a snow hornet. Those insects, they're AMAZING. They seem to not be able to die! I swear I kind of squished it by accident. No let me correct that. I kind of just stomped on it without seeing. And I was wearing my super chunky, heavy and hard ski boots. I am not an evil insect-killer. I am just curious 99% of the time. I promise!


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