Monday, March 26, 2012

The funny side,

Well, it's happened.   What every author waits for with baited breath.  The Amazon reviews.  

Ho Hum.  

Only way to deal with it is to rise above, keep calm and eat chocolate carry on, always look on the bight side.  The amusing thing is, usually if you read between the lines, some are actually quite funny...

Review of the book 'Little Birds' - "disappointed, it just contained projects about birds" - errr, the clue is in the name.

"Some of the projects look like they could be made by a child" - not quite getting the point behind varying projects within a book to cater for a wide range of abilities.

Review of a book about paper crafts - "disappointed, it just contained projects made using paper" - errr, again, the clue is in the name.

"Patterns needed tracing" - so you would seriously be happy cutting up your book?

"I bought the Kindle version and then realised the patterns needed tracing" - no kidding!

"I was going to buy this book, but..." - so you're reviewing a book you don't have based on the 'look inside' feature alone from which there are large chunks of the book missing?

"I'm giving this book 1 star as when it arrived it was damaged" - yes, because the postal system is indeed the authors fault.  Obviously!

Anyone seen anymore Amazon gems I should add to the list??


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