Monday, July 20, 2009

A Week Of Special Stuff-Part 2!

Morning Tea
This morning, I woke up a bit later than usual, because I was a bit sick, and made myself a nice cup of warm peach and apricot tea.

Following yesterday's special post,  I must say, tea holds a rather special place in my heart. It's funny because I'm not your typical everyday tea drinker. I don't drink tea on a regular basis. Instead, tea to me is sort of like a take a step back and relax, sort of drink. 

To me, a cup of warm hot tea helps me to relax and think better. I indulge in cups of tea when I'm stressed or when I'm tired but need to keep painting. I drink tea when I can't think of anything lovely to paint or make. To me, Warm Tea makes everything alright.
My new etching
It cheers me up, perks me up, puts a smile on my face. You see, that's why I love tea. I've made paintings of my favourite tea box, and  even made my very first etching print out of a drawing of my cup of tea! 
First print
If you asked what sort of tea I like, I'll tell you I like Orange Pekkoe, Peach and Apricot, Vanilla and Peppermint tea. How about you?
Take a break and have a cup of tea!
Does my post make you want to drink some tea as well? Haha. Alright, you should go make yourself a nice warm cup of tea. 

Take a little mid-afternoon break and have a sip!



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