Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bits from today

The Food DiariesThe Food Diaries
Because I've been drawing food and sewing food stuff all day long, a nice girl left this on my table for me this morning. What a nice way to start my morning. Thank you Heidi!

Cupcakes a friend made
Also, some nice friends offered me a cupcake that had funky coloured cream cheese frosting on it. They made it for our Painting Department's show opening. And they were kind of yummy. I couldn't get enough of the Cream cheese frosting!

Raisin Toasts with lots of butter
And, I decided that Raisin Toasts with lots of butter, makes a really good morning snack.

In other news, I'm kind of stressed out. Our landlords have decided to increase our rent and it is really kind of pricey now. I would love to move to somewhere near to school, somewhere like in Albert Park or South Melbourne. But those two areas are so expensive it's crazy. I love where I live now ( Southbank, near the MTC ), it's so close to school, I can walk to the city, and even to Fitzroy! And when I'm adventurous, I could even walk to Northcote! But then again, it's getting really expensive. I don't know what to do and if I should stay on for another 6 months. Sigh

Edit: I wasn't the one who did the awesome drawings for the 'Food Diaries' article. Theyr'e by Marcela Restrepo.


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