Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Knitting Tips

Going slowly

Some of you have asked where I get my knitting tips from. Well, I am still learning, but I thought it would be nice to just share with you the sources and videos I used. For starters, I learnt how to cast on here. Then there's the two basic stitches I've learnt so far, knit stitch and purl stitch. And then casting off. I also learnt how to knit stripes and make a cowl scarf using circular needles. But I learnt the hard way and realized, to create a circular scarf, I need to alternate between a knit and purl stitch. So basically I'm supposed to knit 2 purl 2. If you know what I mean. I kind of just happily knit stitched continuously in a circle and got a big 'steering wheel cover' instead of a cowl scarf. Oops! I really want to make Jenny's beautiful continuous scarf. But I still haven't really figured out what the instructions mean. I am a very visual-oriented person. So instructions given in text usually means I won't understand 95% of it.

Other than that, Ravelry also works like magic for me. It took me a while to get use to the site but now that I know what I'm doing (sort of) it is really helpful. I just click on the forums tab and type whatever questions and all the answers pop up! Now that's what I call awesome.

Ok! So here you are. Lots of video links to start you well on your way to the wonders of knitting!

PS: I still can't knit like how most knitters do. I cannot multi-task and can only focus on knitting and nothing else. I don't understand how knitters can watch tv and knit and chat all at the same time. My goodness!


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