Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thank You

New PlantMorningSeriously, you guys are amazing. All the emails, comments. Wow. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I really don't know what else to say! But yes, for all my Thai readers, don't be ashamed or embarrassed. I still love your country and people, and needless to say, the food! And it is really not your fault at all, so don't feel bad! I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. This experience won't make me like Thailand less or anything. So yes, chin up to you too! Fact is, I can't really do anything about it but to let it go. So yes, I'm not going to let those bums get to me. I'm not intending to even give up making art. No way! So negative things aside, I have a really good piece of news to share with everyone. 

I got offered a residency at Harvest Workroom for the month of March! In case you're wondering what that means, it means that I get a whole studio space to myself and make art in it! Yes! Dream come true right? The lovely harvest ladies, Lara, Jess and Emma are just so kind and I look forward to be able to spend my days in the space making and taking photographs of my work, collaborations and adventures. Along with the ladies, I might make silkscreened recipe tea towels, have an exhibition at the end of it, a pop up stall, artist talk, etc. So many ideas!

Oh and I'm also doing kids classes there too! Along with adult classes! It's a new thing - the adult classes. But I will be teaching the basics of watercolouring ( the way I do it ), product illustrations like these ones here, and we'll also get to do our very own recipe drawings. I've never taught adults before. So it will be an exciting new thing for me. I've also  started my kids classes at Art Encounters this week and it's been lots of fun. My Tuesday and Wednesday kids are proving to be so cute and adorable! I asked them what symmetry meant and everyone raised their hands eagerly. And when I picked each one to tell me their own answer, all I got was "I know I know! It means.... like this and like this ( drawing an x on their face)"..."ummm.. Oops! I forgot!" 

Anyway, more details on those Harvest Adult and kids classes soon.
See, I told you I wasn't going to let those bums get to me!

My bedroom slippers are from here. And my new plant was a gift from Jacinta!


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