Tuesday, June 2, 2009


When I think of the word Souvenirs, I think of road trips and how much I miss going on one! I generally love the great outdoors. Anything with tall trees, bushes, twigs, lush forests excites me a lot. When I was still living in Singapore, it was somewhat impossible to go oh such 'foresty trips' without having a gazillion mosquitoes attacking you. The hot sticky weather along with the mozzies really scares me. I would think of scary things like a heat stroke and dengue fever. Ugh! 

Ever since I came to Melbourne to study, I've been so happy the weather's much cooler ( more erratic though! ) The explorer in me never stops planning and dreaming of little road trips to places I've never been. Some of my friends and I would plan a road trip the night before just because we felt like it, and hop onto a rented car the next day, towards some place exciting and unknown. Oh so thrilling! So here's some photos from my little trips so far.
Little Lake
O mother goose
Cape Otway
Cape Otway
Wongarra, Victoria
18 april
Fields of gold
Cow Spotting
Great Ocean Road
Somewhere only we know
In the woods
Treasures Beneath

On most of such trips, the nature-lover in me would usually bring back a little rock, pebble, shells or twig to keep as a souvenir. 

Twig Picking
Pebbles for lydia
18 april

I have plenty of shells, rocks, twigs, etc at home! I display them on my shelves and in my little garden, around all my potted friends. I think they are happy with each other ;-)

Ah, writing this post makes me want to go on a trip again! I think I'm going on one soon, I want to go to the Murray River, Echuca and somewhere I can bush walk and do some trout/lake fishing, and many more parts of greater Victoria.

Any suggestions anyone?


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