Monday, September 7, 2009

I am everything I eat

I am everything I eat
I am everything I eat
I am everything I eat
Current ongoing project about documenting all the food items I consume in a week. This project takes so so much of my patience and it drives me nuts. But I'm sure it's all going to be worth it. I've been painting and painting and painting and just going on and on. I carry my paints, brushes and this book everywhere I go. To Ikea, to school, to the kitchen, to my room, in the car, to restaurants, to cafes. Oh. It's so tiring and such a difficult project to keep up with! But anyway, this is what I'm havign for breakfast today. Ham and avocado sandwich with a glass of cranberry juice.
And this is what I had for breakfast today
You know, 2 days after I started on this project, I realized I was eating way too much, it's scary. ( But I'm constantly hungry! ) So I decided I should live a healthier lifestyle, eat in moderation and eat healthier foods. Yes yes, the benefits of being an artist : Your own art makes an impact in the way you live your life.

Haha. Alrightyo, back to my breakfast and more painting!


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