Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back in the habit

Back in the habitNeedlesSo far
I know it's summer over here in Australia, but yes, I'm picking up knitting again! I have decided one of my resolutions for this year is to learn how to knit again. I actually learnt knitting from this lady in China 5 years ago. Back then, I was spending a month in a small village for an exchange study trip. The village was kind of not hip at all. My friends and I just ate roadside snacks all day long and camped out in our hostel watching dvds. Yes, it was that boring. I remember stumbling upon Macdonalds and that was like the hippest place in the entire city. No, I'm serious! Haha. Anyway, to kill our boredom, the girls in our group ended up picking knitting ( everyone knits there ) from an internet cafe shop lady. She taught us for free and we became friends. I knitted my first scarf and it was horribly tiny.

Fast forward 5 years on, I've knitted possibly just three times. But every time I either lose my patience, or I drop a stitch and give up. Well, I decided this time round to give it another go and get back to knitting. I had some needles and a ball of oatmeal coloured yarn lying around at home so I started knitting again yesterday. So far so good. I dropped a stitch last night and decided to wing it and just continue. But this morning to my horror, the area I dropped a stitch at became obvious. And my tension was so uneven as well. So I started all over again. Well, they say practice makes perfect right?

I'm still quite excited about knitting ( for once ) and I popped by Morris and sons today. It was my first time there and it's pretty much like yarn heaven I tell you. The shop ladies were really friendly and gave me lots of advice too. I left with 2 bundles of beautiful deep red merino yarn and a size 4 needle.

I aim to finish knitting 2 scarves by winter this year. 
Let's see if I can do it. Any knitters out there with tips to share?


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