Monday, February 6, 2012

Another wip...

I really like softies made out of toweling, there is just something really warm and snuggly about them.  The only problem is the mess it makes, the floor, desk, and me are all covered in towel droppings!

Yesterday, I went on my first ever blogging meet up.  The venue was Ikea in Nottingham, and it was with Apryl, Leah, and Katy, plus children.  Was really good to meet everyone, the little ones were all very well behaved, although Lucy was a little bossy, being the oldest, and had them all sat playing 'school'!

And, look who we got to bring home...

Katy had very kindly brought along my 'PIF' that she had made for me (and no, I haven't forgotten about mine!).  She is now residing on my softie shelf above my desk, a safe distance from all the towel droppings as there has been rather a lot of sneezing going on this afternoon!

Oh, and I'm afraid I haven't done any more work on my papier mache models yet, we seem to have run out of wallpaper paste so a trip to the DIY shop will have to happen first!


How can I have forgotten this, oh the shame!.  I meant to add earlier, anyone reading my blog from the United States, my husband has a painting in an exhibition at the Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio.  The show is called 'Body of Work, the Human Form in Contemporary Art', which runs until the 22nd February.  His piece is a self portrait.


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