Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My mirror needs cleaning!

Since dipping my toe into the world of wardrobe refashion, I've discovered on Flickr the Bloganista's group.  Here, Bloggers from around the globe are posting their outfits for all to see, I thought it looked fun and decided to join in.  It's been quite an interesting experiment (also inspired by Ali), the theory being that if you are going to photograph your outfit, it will encourage more effort into putting it together.  I work at home, alone most days as Lucy & Luke are both out at school, and Al is usually out and is also often away abroad, so other than the school run or popping out for bread or milk, don't really need to make a huge effort with my appearance.  I always suspected that, despite having plenty of clothes to chose from, I only ever really skim off the top 10% and end up wearing the same outfits over and over again.  
So far, here is what I've discovered,

1. The mirror needs cleaning
2. The wall in our hall needs decorating
3. I stand the same way each time I take a picture
4. I do lots of layering, a sub-conscious side effect of it being so cold
5. I actually only wear the top 5% of my wardrobe, not 10 as I previously thought


6. At least I am getting dressed.  I have been known to do the school run with my pyjamas still on under a big coat.

My plan now is to try harder and dig deeper into the recesses of my wardrobe and see what I can find that I've not worn for ages, make better use of what I have, or alter what I have if it's not working as it is and see how long I can go without buying anything.

(my husband will be pleased!)


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