Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Not going to link, not going to name names...

...that would just be crass.  Now, I know people are making items from my book and selling them.  If you go to Etsy and search the term 'fox softie', a fair few of the front cover design pop up.  Officially, you are not supposed to.  It says so within the copyright section at the front of the book.  But do you know what?, I actually don't really mind.  Lets be honest here, I'm not made of money and I don't know anyone in the legal profession, so chasing down small independent sellers is not something I can afford to get into.  That, however does not mean it is open season.

A few sellers have emailed to ask first.  A few have gone ahead anyway, but have credited the book in the product description, and I appreciate the honesty in doing so.  

A small few have claimed my designs to be their own.

Just bear in mind that I too, am a small independent seller.  I still make things from my own patterns to sell.  Any confusion over copyright can potentially impact on my business too, which, given how much I do already give away in the form of free tutorials, is frustrating.

I didn't make a huge amount from writing the book.  Enough to buy a new washing machine after destroying my old one felting wool.  The book was a labour of love so, please play nice.


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