Saturday, February 18, 2012

Button necklace,

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the mood one evening to do something crafty.  Whatever it was going to be, it had to be easy (as I was tired), and quick (as it was late).  I'd always fancied a long button necklace, White Stuff have a nice one, but I don't live near a branch or have that much spare spends right now.  But seriously, how hard can it be to make one?  Not very so it turns out, here's mine...,


It's quite long, and with a big red square button I bought a while ago, but wasn't sure what to do with it, as a central feature.  To make one, all you need is a length of cord and a selection of buttons.


The cord is a fair bit longer than I wanted the finished necklace to be.  Fold it in half to mark the center point and anchor the first button there.  Then, working up each side, thread on buttons at roughly 1 1/2" (4cm) intervals.

Each button is  secured in place at the back with a knot before moving on to the next.


Once the whole necklace is threaded with buttons, simply tie the ends in a knot and trim off any excess cord.  The first one came together so easily, I made a shorter one for Lucy using pastel coloured buttons alternating with a white flower.


Don't tell her I'm wearing it, I'll be in big trouble! 

ps, just noticed I am 2 posts away from 200, and about 3 weeks away from a 3rd blogiversary!


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