Monday, October 11, 2010

In all honesty

Horrible dayHonestly, I've never ever felt so horrible about a gallery before. Alright maybe just once, when I was angry with this gallery in Ottawa who didn't contact me for months and did the same to other artists stocking stuff at their gallery. Anyway, that is another story altogether. The thing is, I'm in this group show, along with 6 other talented artists. It opens at Guildford Lane Gallery tomorrow night. And I was really looking forward to it. I packed and 'dragged' a bunch of new works to the gallery this morning. ( They were heavy! ) And guess what? The gallery owner turned out to be this big meanie. Like seriously, big scary meanie.

We were only allowed to hang our works using the string wires he had at the gallery. No nails, no sticky tape, no blu tac, nothing at all. Even our work descriptions weren't allowed to be taped onto the walls. Honestly, which gallery does that? I know some do, but at least they're nice about it and assist you in all ways possible and help make everything look good right? But no, this silly guy just snapped at us and said no to everything. He didn't help us and when he saw some bits that were hung up he just said it looked bad and that he has been in the industry for so long, he knows what's good and that just looks bad. Like what the hell, if it's going to look bad, then just help us, stop snapping at us.

He was really crazy about how we were on the ladders and he got really angry when we were on the ladder alone. He was such a control freak and he made such a fuss about us using a penknife while at the table. We were really careful to not scratch his table. But there he was checking everything. Crazy dude. Apparently one of the artist checked him up on google and found lots of other stuff about him being racist and not sticking with his contract, changing terms at the last minute, making artists cry on their opening nights, and sexually violating his female gallery volunteers, and a whole bunch of other stuff. We didn't know and just found out. So it was really too late for us to back out. On his website, it was stated the gallery only takes a 20% cut from works. But guess what? He told us 'Special rate of 40%!' The designers who were in charge of this exhibition told us he was a really nice guy but after everything was confirmed and stuff, he became such a mean person. Totally different from before!

Anyway, he was just really mean, and there was this one point he just snapped and stormed out of the gallery. At that point, I felt so horrid, I left the gallery too. I cried. All the way down Swanston Street, into Melbourne Central. I know. I'm such a lousy bummer. But I think as an artist, I shouldn't have to put up with his shit and 'degrade' my work by mounting my work onto styrofoam board and bull-dog clipping it to his silly wires. Can you imagine a nice archival large photo print with clips and a styrofoam back? Oh god. My frames were a no-good either. They didn't work and stay straight while hung on the wires. Apparently another artist asked for a platform to place his work and ended up getting told off with him saying 'I'd much rather you bring your own platforms'. I thought about stacking some crates up and propping my framed paintings on it. But the idea was just stupid, ugly and totally unprofessional. We weren't even allowed to blu tac our tiny little bios onto the walls. He suggested we staple-gun my friend's bio, onto her frame.

There was a dog at the gallery too and he demanded that we do not touch her at all. He asked me how old's my grandmother. I simply said she passed when I was really young so I don't know. He asked ' how old was she when she died?' I said I don't know. And he went on to say his dog's 17, so that's 102 human years. So at 102 I wouldn't want anyone to touch me. I mean, that's pretty rude I think. To ask when my nana died and say that sort of stuff. I think at 102, I would still want others to hug me!

Oh well, that aside, so much problems with hanging and stuff. In the end, I gave up, and took all my work back home. I know. So dumb of me. But I did just that. I was totally lost. I lugged all my works back home. I was honestly so pissed and so angry that so many artists have had to put up with his shit. And now it was our turn. I felt like I needed to bring the whole things up, and let others know about it so the same thing won't happen to other artists. I think all the crying and frustration made me realize how I shouldn't have to let him 'win' in this situation. Later on after lunch, I ended up bringing in 3 of my food diary drawings and my marshmallow sculpture. It really wasn't what I wanted but I'd rather have something up than nothing. I didn't want to give in to him. So yes. 7 works made specially for the exhibition, all sitting at home now. Nice. I feel like I've wasted a big deal of my time, but I guess, lesson learnt.

So yes, if you're an artist, illustrator and you're thinking of working, volunteering or exhibiting at Guildford Lane Gallery, please don't. I think we should all spread the word on this so no one else gets cheated by him.

Since this post, some who have worked/had shows there, have emailed me privately to let me know of similar or worse experiences. Hopefully if you've had bad experiences with them, knowing that others went through the same shit might make you feel better. We are all in this together and you are not alone. I think we should all stand up against him, spread the word and not let him carry on with his crazy antics. 


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