Saturday, October 9, 2010

What I bought at Finders Keepers

What I bought at Finders KeepersWhat I bought at Finders Keepers
Pretty hand printed fabrics from Harvest Textiles and Ink and Spindle.
What I bought at Finders Keepers
Sweet duckie measuring cups. They are porcelain and so precious!
What I bought at Finders Keepers
Darren bought me this beautiful sterling silver Victoria Mason necklace. It has a 'nice biscuit' on it, and along with the necklace, came a pair of cute hello earrings.
What I bought at Finders Keepers
And cute house shoes from Chimney! They're leather and hand made. So comfortable!

So here's all the nice stuff I bought from Finders Keepers. I went on Saturday. So so much goodness in one not-so-tiny shack! It was huge with over 150 stalls of amazing nice crafty stuff. I think I must have looked like a little kid in a huge ice cream shop. To be honest, it took me a while to get used to the massiveness. I saw so many lovely people there! Pip from Meet Me At Mikes, Penny from Pocket Carnival, Laura and Emma from Harvest Textiles, Lara from Ink and Spindle, Victoria Mason, Renee and Angela from Leeloo, Chris from Corky Saint Clair, Louise from Frankie Magazine, Belinda from Brkich, Susan from SpinSpin and the list goes on. Everyone's booths looked so cute! I also met a few other blog friends, Fiona, Penelope and Anna. So nice to have a quick catch up with you girls. Anyway, you should go check it out if you can. It's on today till 5pm! Happy shopping!

I know there's lots of links in this post. But I think it's only right I link to everyone. Hope that doesn't bother you at all!


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